
Find Linkedin profiles

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Find Linkedin profiles


Why Your LinkedIn Profile Is Useless Without Keywords

LinkedIn™ is the world's largest professional networking platform. It's the place where the best people go to meet the best people.,

  • Millions of potential contacts (over 756 million members)
  • A one-stop shop for a business’s most important daily searches
  • The ROI for the hiring, marketing and selling is sure fire


According to US News, 95% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find job candidates.

  • So, how can you stand out in the sea of 756 million people?
  • How can you get noticed by the right people within your target industry and location?

By using keywords.

keywords make the difference between your LinkedIn Profile SHINING like a BRIGHT STAR or BEING LOST in digital space.

  • Helps you rank higher in search engines & makes your profile easily searchable
  • Increases your visibility, matches intent & attracts the right recruiters for the right jobs
  • Clearly communicates your value proposition & differentiates you from other profiles

Warning. Recruiters rely on LinkedIn’s algorithm to show them the most relevant profiles based on their keyword search.

So, without a keyword strategy, your LinkedIn profile will be lost in the crowd.

Leverage your LinkedIn profile with the power of this keyword search tool

Get that job of making those important connections done better than all the rest.

This search tool is exclusively to

Fill in what you miss!

  • Find out what words appear most often in these job postings.
  • Find keywords that the hiring manager or recruiter is looking for on the LinkedIn profile of potential job candidates.
  • Highlight your transferable & technical skills throughout using specific keywords
  • Write your desired location keywords for your profile which you will rank for

& More

How it works?

  • Put the search words in the columns A to C in the excel-sheet
  • Put your values ERP-api-key in the .env-file
    (https://www.valueserp.com/pricing) free trial available
  • Run the program from the windows explorer or from the cmd command line
  • All found LinkedIn profiles for the search words will be written in the columns E and F

Don’t sell yourself short with a poorly optimized LinkedIn profile

Find attached how this looks like:


What do you GET:

·        Executable program for windows

·        Excel-template

·        .Env - parameter-file for the Values ERP – API key


Click ‘I WANT THIS’ and join +1500 people that stack the deck in their favour using this tool for keyword research

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